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Volunteer Opportunities

Pontiac Meals on Wheels has many different ways you can help support our program. It’s easy to sign up! We work with your schedule and it’s an excellent way to give back to your community! Take a look at some of the ways you can help us make a different in the life of our seniors.


Packing Meals

Packing at Pontiac Meals on Wheels consists of packing the hot meal for the day in containers, putting together the side bags or packing breakfast. We pack meals in the morning between 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM at 248 S. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341

Delivering Meals

Meals on Wheels is always looking for drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors in Pontiac, Michigan. As a driver you are valued tremendously not only by Pontiac Meals on Wheels, but also by the seniors on our program. Volunteer drivers will be assigned a route for the day, pickup and load your vehicle with meals, and follow the route sheet with the clients addresses and the order it should be delivered in. Routes can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours long to complete. 

pontiac meals on wheels | congregate senior center | senior feeding | pontiac, michigan

Office Work

The Pontiac Meals on Wheels office excepts qualified volunteers to work in the office. Tasks range from helping answering phones, filing, stuffing newsletters and Friendship calls to our seniors. Our office is located at 248 S. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341.

Holidays & Events

No Senior Goes Hungry even on Holidays! Pontiac Meals on Wheels delivers meals to seniors Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years on a reservation basis. Routes are typically smaller on these day and usually only takes an hour to complete. These routes are filled on a first come first serve basis, spots fill up quickly.


Business Information

Pontiac Meals on Wheels Foundation

248 South Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341

Tel: 248-738-9393

Fax: 248-738-9531

Tax ID #: 83-1595183


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Contact Information

Rolonda Hillie - Program Coordinator


Rosa Randolph - Program Director


© 2017 Pontiac Meals on Wheels | Designed by: BeCreativeDesignStudio

Make a Donation Online

100% of donations go directly to the Pontiac Meals on Wheels Foundation a 501(c)3 non-profit

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